


  • I once asked myself: What was life like without TV? What was life like before internet? Now I'm asking myself: what was it like before Rolia? I must have had something to do...
    • 习惯
    • sit down, have a tea; relax, breathe fresh air. 采菊东篱下, 悠然见南山.
      I don't have a tv yet. Cause no need for that garbage.
    • 帅哥,找你半天,也没见你回信!联系我吧,拜托了!
      • Sammy, 他...
        hung up on me... :(
    • TV, internet and Rolia are all good in themselves. A life with them won't necessarily be worse than a one without them. As long as you have fun and they are not all you have.
      • "they ain't all you have"... very very enlightening... thinking....
        • Please don't use so many ellipses, they make me very nervous. LOL.
          • okay... oops, I did it again.
            • On purpose.
              • Apologize. :(
                • Apology accepted. :-)
                  • 叹X!