


  • Congratulation to another photo win of mine (it's NOT not the style I like, but what can I do if I just wanted to win? :( )-->
    • wow! congratulations! You might think of changing career to work for the National Geography. :P
      • Dear Lazycat, honestly...
        I still have lots of work to do, because still-life is perhaps the easiest category in photography. I'm glad that I've got a good sense of what's good versus bad about photoing a still-life picture, but it's an ever-learning process. Thanks so very much for your compliment. I'm again thrilled...
        • honestly, I like your pictures. Wish you day day up.
          • Tears and sobs...
    • Great! congrats!
      • Thank you, my Big-Blue SG. :)
    • 这真不是你的style。。。老实说你其它的片子随便挑一张都比这个好:S。至少这张车展的我个人觉得色彩,灯光,构图都不是特别的出众。
      • Guess we're all dumb enough to enjoy something ain't THAT perfect, eh?
        including the judges too... ;-)
        • 随便说两句。俺把摄影算为艺术创作,个人以为重要的是有自己的风格。别人的评价或者获奖是另外一回事。想起以前国内的众多各方面的爱好者喜欢参加各种各样的评选。但是最后成“家”的几乎没有。建立自己的一种
          • 众乐乐不如独乐乐
            • isn't that true... :)
    • like the compositions and the way u handling the lights. The most impressive part of the pic is the motion u created from edges to the point.
      And this makes the pic almost pop up to views eyes. I like the interaction and I beleive this is how it stands out from other competitors' works.
      Still life is not still at all.
      • Very sweet. :)