


  • 好吧,不管美女JJ是不是点我的名,问个问题吧,有点沉重哈,大家认为人活着是为了什么?我觉得应该是开心,但是我总是在不很开心的时候才会思量这个问题.
    • It's just a thought, only a thought
      I've always thought that I would love to live by the sea
      To travel the world alone and live more simply
      I have no idea what's happened to that dream
      Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me
      It's just a thought, only a thought
    • 套用今天水潭的风格,人活着就是为了撒刻丝。
    • life is pain, you must get used of it
    • 这个问题明天才能回答,今天的份额你已经用掉了:) #145063