


以下内容是我于本周五公司cafeteria 听到的。三名议论者为2男1女,全部是LOCAL WHITE, 分别为2个部门经理,1个主管。
A: congratulation! you have 3rd baby!
B: yeah...thanks...but i have to think about to move
C: Why?
B: my house is too small for 5 people...i dont know what i can do?! hard...i cannot afford to buy a new house...it's hard...
A: yeah...yeah...me too...too expensive right now, in GTA...shoot!
C: that's because those fucking people...
B: definitely!!!!! those fucking chink...they made us no place to live in...my kids have no place to live in...
A: it seems they cann't do anythings else, but trying to make houses' prices higher and higher...they're really not nice people at all!!!!!
C: fucking bad! parasites! yellow peril!
B: sure...they're gonna pay...(look around) SOME DAY, PUT THEM INTO GAS HOUSE!
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