


  • 严正BS牛歌最近的表现. 除了唱歌喊口号, 就是搞传销! 任何场合都牵着他的传销产品: 日历程序.
    • 你是到处找ID, 都很忙......:-)
      • 牛歌. 来点有创臆的行吗? 说老实话, 你的东东就是一种SERVICE而已. 而你的SERVICE还没有CLOUD.
        你如果硬是要说你的东东是FRAMEWORK, 会改变世界. 估计你就是摸破LIP也没人真信.
        既然是SERVICE, 那你的东东就还缺:
        - 妓女的脸面 (INTERFACE)
        - 妓女的宽容 (跨平台. 需要API)
        - 妓女的健康 (SECURITY)
        - 妓女的口紧 (PRIVACY: 不要象TIGER WOODS)
        - 妓女的名气 (MARKETING. 实在不行找个老鸨)
        - 妓女的工夫 (FUNCS)

        谁会关心妓女的FRAMEWORK? 有上面的条款后, 管你是哪国妓女. 都有人会光顾!
        • 老实说,你对企业内部软件的特点还不熟悉, 我走的,不是外销的路子. 企业内部软件的特点是不花哨,界面简洁,实用,速度.符合一直沿用的企业规范. 我所做的,是个开发流程,思想, 框架, 沿着这个框架,实现快速开发的目的.
          我所有的DEMO SITES 都被封了, 我的BLOG也被封, 在PM中,只要有有关的信息, PM本身就无声无息的消失了.关所以无法进一步说明,只能贴图....

          不过无所谓, 我在专业的网站做介绍就够了...
          • I recalled someone setup a site for people who start their business. Do you still remember what / where it is. We cannot agree on the business / technology direction; do not mean we cannot continue our discussion.
            I still like to contribute my 2 cents worth suggestion and I believe you may find idea from other people, but we must have a mean to disucss. Do you have a blog or something?
          • 也就是说你牛歌是教算法的. 就象武功中的内功, 招式各人随意?
            • My framework focuses on stylesheet design, portlet-based UI unit, with param-based role / session / request control at doc element level. Ajax & normal request share the same bean, stylesheet instances.
              xml is the backbone of the framework, so that is easy to build SOA, cache, common shared objects. javascript is combined with backend objects so it always delivers the right control based on specific dynamic-built page.....just name a few...

              how to use java applet, flash, is not related to framework, these are table content inside the page templates. but sure, they can be controlled by stylesheets' params which are offered by backend beans.
    • 严正BS-whereismyid(到处找ID), 一旦真的讨论技术, 特别是architectural issues, 就出去蹭咖啡喝去了.....
      • Don't know the details but it really looks like MIcrosoft .Net MVC framework. You may want to study it as well and see if you can incorporate some of their features.
      • 牛歌也要BS哦了. 你说你的东东是SOA. 其他的先不说, 你的BACKBEAN中应该有Metro stack. 这就是我前面POST中提到的妓女的工夫 (FUNCS), 你应该能让妓女们形成3P,4P...XP, 才能满足现代嫖客的需求.
        • 我的BACKBEAN有一个重要的没提, XSLT engine. Bean 负责向它提供XML, 在control, configuration, page flow, portlet setting, session /conversation 的控制下,它输出html / xml / pdf.
          我其实自己做好了JAX-WS, JAXB, and WSIT.

          为与Microsoft Office import / export. I am using APache POI, but version 3.0.1, not the latest version 3.5, because I am using java 5.0 now.

          你还有啥新鲜的....除了那些items. 你自己做过吗,用过吗?

          在讨论技术地时候,请不要用与其无关的术语,好吗? 否则以牛哥的脾气,别怪我说: fXXX XXX.