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  • 今天猛然发现: 开发自己的 web application framework, 整一周年. 真惭愧,连正式的名字还没有呢.
    • How about name it garbage?
      • 我看8导比你厚道...
    • 牛牛
      • 有点重复.不符合环保精神......
        • 牛web。Web log被简称了Blog。你的牛Web也可以简称牛B。
    • 一个大企业正式使用,数家在看到我在专业网站的广告后,正在技术方面的洽谈....... 小公司, 个人方面的需求有很多,但我没有太多时间, ..... 希望明年能有更多的作为,,, 连带提一下, 我的网站也被ROLIA封了,请有关部门核实, 原因不明....
      • 如果你跑到肉联来拉客,老板当然火大了。换我也把你的网封了。你瞧,现在至少你还可以在这说话
        • 没有,只是交流技术.....我这人做事在明处.
          • 只是交流技术 ??? how many inches is your face skin?
            haha, just kidding ... but

            it's true !
            • 哦还没有看到一叮点技术或CODE. 牛歌只是喊口号.
              • 在今天的会上, 我与一 Top Consultant 交流, 惊讶的发现他自己用的web application framework, when he develops some stuff for his customers, 和我的设计相当一致, ... 但他的更简单一些. 因为只为简单的功能..
                • 牛哥同学,不就是一堆if ... else.. endif, 有什么好吹得? 看我的这个if else, 马上给你赚钱: if一个股票回调50%,then买进。。。 等着赚钱吧您那
                  • 嗯, 老唐是你老板.......
                    • 唐老板的小把戏还真不入我法眼。根据我系统测试,2008 9,10,11 三个月,我的系统可以给我300%的gain.
                      • 是多头系统
                        • BI is my interest too. Let me 向你取经 next time..
          • 嘿嘿,吃里扒外,版主早就看穿了你的心肝脾肺肾。
            • 妈呀,,, 这些是不是都是版主的小棉袄啊? 今天开会,听说很多服务outsourcing到印度, 那些接电话的天天还要了解服务地区的新闻, 天气, 交通,,,, 怪不得一打电话,那边谈起这边的天气, traffic, 如数家珍, .. 原在微软的一个印度小师妹,也帮我推销软件了...
              • 你还在印度上过学?小师妹照片在哪儿呢?
                • We worked in the same group in Microsoft.
                  • 好吧,看在微软份上,给我链接看能不能帮着卖卖。
                    • PM me your email, I will forward my blog to you.... 有点埂咽....
                      • 别哭了。我看了,做得不错哈。你BLOG里有人要求提供技术细节,要赶快回答哟。我已经7年没写JSP了,没想到还能看到,很怀旧也伤感。。。
                        技术上我说不出啥了,我谈谈需求吧。你的主页乱糟糟象51, 好多IFRAME, 内容不安全呀,应该只给可靠的付费用户提供吧?别人被骗点出事会找你麻烦的。而且我看ROLIAN都喜欢简洁北美风格的。还有那个考勤系统,已经有很多人做了吧?
                        • 刚在博克提供了一个程序细节, 显示如何对系统菜单提供portlet level role/session/mulilingual control, 安全不用担心, 所有的生成均先经过sucurity filter layer in control module.
    • Happy Birthday!
      • 响应号召,我刚刚建立了一个博壳,已给你发了Email 过去, 在这里不会公布的. 呵呵.
        • you should invite more people; especially people like me who disagree with you. You can build the world alone.
          • I don't think that is necessary for now. I invite people and friends from some professional forums. Thanks!
            • So please don't post your professional... here.
            • please DON"T abuse the word "PROFESSIONAL", thanks
              • 如果认真的话, 能不能提出专业的看法, 或, 亮一亮你自己的东西? 如不能, 你爱怎样就怎样...you continue the fun you believe is true for you. ...
                • 没有一个团队而想一个人制造软件的时代早已过去,你设计的网站给人很业余的感觉,靠网上SHOWOFF给人感觉很幼稚,还PROFESSIONAL?what a joke!
                  • What I show is the framework, a way of design backend middle stuffs on web server. naive boy. It is not a 100% product. I have no time no skill to design 100% excellent UI. Now you understand...?
                    • are you saying you are designing a piece of framework? a PIECE of framework is just a piece of garbage, a piece of junk. If you don't have skill and time, what are you showing off? a piece of JOKE? LOL, you are funny.
                      • You are funny, must be a dropped-out in high school, never have a sound skill of listening and understanding of the matter discussed..? If there is no UI, how can I put framework in front? Read my post carefully, with your glasses.
                        • Your immature behavious just make me laugh. AGAIN, please don't show off your home-made junk and call it professional.
                          • You laugh a lot at your office? Better not, boy, Too many inappropriate smiles with yellow teeth will definitely hurt your image, it is nothing sign of showing smart, or intelligent, people call it silly..
                            • tell it easy, I am just commenting on your product.
                            • This is too personal! Let's focus on your framewrok!
                • Being professional is attiduteof doing things, it is feeling of being respected, do you feel you are respected? I DON"T THINK SO. understand?
                  • Why do you think you want respect from others online, naive boy? Why do you think if the thing is done by you, it has to be with the quality competing with Microsoft? Naive boy? Think about those at home this weekend as homework...
                    • it is really stupid idea to waste time to produce garbage at home, I'd rather to spend my precious time with my kids. By the way, being professional also means not to judge people by statement, instead, by facts, ok? understand?
                      • I teach my kids various of things like chess, music, sports, and go to museums and movies. I really think I am doing very good at being a great daddy. My kids are all gifted. So, tell me your facts, buddy.
                      • You really need to know the basic fact buddy, telling someone else stupid you don't really know and see, is the most stupid you have ever done in your life. I hope this is not what you educate your kids at home. Right?
                      • don't expect me to show off my privacy and family to public in the cyber world,and I am not such a immature person
                        I just want to comment when you show off your web site and the so called "Framework:" which in fact is JUNK. AGAIN, please don't abuse "PROFESSIONAL" using your home-made garbage.
                        • You can make sincere comment on my blog to show your courtesy and professionalism in a professional manner. What a joke you are making here, by pointing yourself as a mature boy? Who tells you the false and misjudgment?
                          • I don;t waste my time on your JUNK, it is not worth it.
                      • Give your further facts, buddy, I work till 1-2 am at night after my kids have enough fun and go to sleep. I go to gym every noon and keep the body fit. I get "Exceed Expectation" in every review in company, and ...
                        The company I work with is a very proud Canadian company, having factories, offices, business around the world.

                        Buddy, what are your facts? Tell me, if you are shy, PM. .
                        • I don't care who you are. I just want to comment on your product, not you, OK? DON"T WASTE TIME TO PROOF WHO YOU ARE,OK?IT IS NAIVE.
                          again, please don;t waste your time to proof who you are because I don't care, I just want to comment on your product.
                          • Buddy, I also don't care who you are, I have known a lot of people when I was in China, fighting for my business, I can tell your stories for 1001 days, and I know the chance that you are the one outstanding from whom I know is very rare.
                            • 你TM的祥林嫂阿?
                              • Ha, again. You know you make a good alias on your ID, bright shadow. You show bright on a real junk, man. Its visibility behind your body lets you believe you do have choice, actually it may be a hopeless fantasy.
                                You make my day, I now focus on something better...:-)
                                • Good, go and do something better, stop showing off your GARBAGE.
      • 刚在博克提供了一个程序细节, 显示如何对系统菜单提供portlet level role/session/mulilingual control,
    • NG.. honestly saying... yours garbage more likely.
      • damn.. didn't notice second floor already named it......
        • I don't care what you say, buddy, I have a profitable product and do the thing I enjoy... Do Re Mi...
          • profitable :每个月赚10个八仙?
            • 这预测也太低了, 我下一个精心策划的目标是: 与IBM Notes Domino 并肩, 学习Oracle Agile, 作出一个简化版, Corp portal, no problem at all at low price, you do the math. How profitable it will be?
              • IBM Notes Domino自己还赔钱呢,还好,您没把自己想象成拉里佩齐。
              • 老哥,如果你能每个月回报10个八仙,估计世界上所有的交易所都得关门---因为大家都把钱给你去赚10个八仙了
          • Hey buddy.. I did project (not product) and earned more than your product.... lol, just saying
      • everybody know it is gabage except the owner... what a joke!
    • give you a name. You have to buy me lunch if you choose to use it. NTU Framework - Nice to use framework!
      • 迅弛猛牛开发系统 <-> STRIKING BULL Web Design Framework
    • 可以考虑:IBN, microhard.
      • I used "Macrohard" as a virtual company name in one of my demo application, OMG, you are so smart !!!! .... 眼眶有点湿润...
        • 这个好,建议抢注。自己用不上还可以卖给伟哥使用。
        • 中文是不是翻译成“微硬”,恭喜你俩,可找到同志了
      • I think SBN or NS is better for NG.
    • 请问你的东西在哪? 我也是做开发的, 想看看. Blog?
    • 你们这些老家伙原来都在干这些做轮子的事情啦? 成熟的web app framework一大堆, 重新搞一个不是吃饱了撑的么? 而且从你的blog上看你根本就不懂最新的web技术. 用的都是过时的东西.....