

就是这些不准确的东西,造成市民对 Markham 古城 Swan Lake 自然环境的担心而引发的民众抗议。以此市政出面辟谣解释在 HWY48 + 16 Ave 建清真寺的问题。 见链接

Commissioner of Development Services, Jim Baird, gave a brief presentation (241k/9p) to address inaccurate information circulated in promotional materials by the Markham Residents for Responsible Community Planning (MRRCP). Mr. Baird also responded to MRRCP representatives who were present for the meeting, addressing their concerns regarding the Mosque proposed in the Highway 48 and 16th Avenue area. MRRCP concerns addressed by Mr. Baird included Mosque Design; Traffic / Pedestrian and Student Safety; Traffic; Overdevelopment; Ecological Concerns of Swan Lake; and Preserving the Aesthetic Heritage of Downtown Markham.