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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 关于土豆总理在议会里对男议员动粗和对女议员失礼这件事,各位土豆粉同胞们思维紊乱、是非混淆,令人咂舌,惨不忍睹。土豆强行拽人,法律上已构成人身攻击,请看CBC评述。。。
    • ...the act of taking Brown by the arm and ushering him to his seat,"in the most technical sense … probably meets all the requirements for assault," said Toronto lawyer Daniel Lerner, who was a former Ontario Crown prosecutor.
    • "The basic definition of an assault is if a person intentionally uses force on another person without their consent."
      • 违背他人意愿,蓄意对他人施用强力,即为人身攻击。这属于基本的法制社会生活常识,如果土豆粉们不能理解,只能说明思维还是停留在落后的野蛮时代,如此,他们的种种言行就不难理解了。 +2