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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Toronto Sun: When the media wrongly identify a member of a minority group as the perpetrator of a crime, politicians are the first to condemn them. Why then their silence when they wrongly identify a member of minority group as the victim of a crime? +10
    • +3
      • 按这文章的意思,是让政客去谴责那个小女孩了?文章只是骂了政客一句,却没提供任何做法,不知道小编学到了什么LESSON? +4
        • 小编学到的是正义!
          • 具体说 +5
            • 你的字典里没有正义这两个字么? +2
              • 有啊,小时说共产党万岁社会主义好是正义的,你说哪个? +3
                • 你的字典里果然没有正义这两个字。这两句只是口号而已,懂吗!你的人生挺可悲的。同情你啊! +3
                  • 我更同情你,只知道喊口号,没有思维能力,LOL +4
    • 后面的comments很不错 +6
      Elizabeth Ann
      We have hate laws in place....... we have police in place to deal with crime.... why don't the politicians go about doing the job they were elected to do....they have exceeded their mandate, they can go fix a road, work on a trade deal get our healthcare etc in order....enough of this. And one more thing I would like to know how 1 person can decide to open OUR BORDERS without permission/referendum from the people. Canada belongs to the people..HE DID NOT CAMPAIGNE on opening the border. Don't know how others feel but our border should be taken seriously, most real countries do. If Trudeau has some sort of social experiment he has to accomplish he can do so on his own time and not on our dime.
      • 政客是引导国民价值方向的,这比建桥造路重要的多,没有这个,其它都是扯 +5
        • 国民价值是一个国家和民族的历史,文化,传统的长期积淀形成的,政客如想左右它,达到自己的政治目的,后果就是被民众唾弃。 +5
          • 政客无法左右,但政府可以引导,BTW,别总一副革命小将的样 +4
        • 哈哈,你这话中国政府爱听。政客在西方从来都被民众排在不可信榜的前几位,让你深恶痛绝的川普,或安省人民深恶痛绝的韦省长引导国民价值?左右都不会满意的 +4
          • 政客是个群体并非只是一个人,所以TRUMP被人骂是因为他没有正确引导国民价值 +3
            • 川普正是顺应了真正的国民价值才被选上的。 +5
              • 应该说是少数人 +3
    • 看来只有右派报纸才能说几句又常识的话 +13
      • 看来都说到你心坎里去了。:) +1
        • Count me in please. :) +1
          • and me. +1
    • 有个法律,叫public mischief,可以惩罚误导人的政客。 +2