


  • 各位DX有没有新的711 referal code, 请PM下.THKs.
    • pmed
      • 谢谢,能否告知怎样用此code? Thanks again.
        • Call customer service and let them know that you want to redeem a code. Both you and the code owner will then get $10.00 air time. My referral code is 005250. I just confirmed it has not bee used. Please let me know after you use it. Thx.
          • Customer service is closed today. I will try tomorrow. Thanks for your reply.
            • :) After you redeem the code I gave you, ask for a code for the phone you just activated and then you can refer other person who needs the code. Please let me know after you use my code.
      • Thanks menmen(930) and torcrab(allright). Since menmen pm me first, so i used his/her code. Thanks torcrab for your info. Your code 005250 is still available. Also I got my new code: 005733. 新的CODE: 005733.
        • Thanks u zzh999!!