


  • 水手老大,求教一下: 在时间仓促的时候如何能快速直接查看仅仅对应于自己帖子的回复(而省去从众多无关自己的大串帖子中去寻找),以免遗漏回帖而不礼貌或错过阅读相关信息? Rolia网是否已有此特殊功能?谢谢!
    • There is no such feature. But it seems helpful. Need to find a way that works both logically and practically though.
      • Thanks for your reply. I think this new feature should be helpful for users. But please don't let it bother you if you are busy.
      • Congratulations that you have successfully added the feature of 回复! Thank you for your constant dedication for the continuous improvement of rolia.net. It becomes more and more user friendly.👍😁
        • Thanks for your suggestions!