


那是我刚到加拿大的第一份工。洋鬼子欺负我刚到,不了解政策,就告诉我要试工。当时我也不懂,觉得他这样作也有道理,也不好意思问试工给不给钱,要多长时间什么的,就答应了。做了两天,我看老板完全没有反映,那个意思好象还要试下去。我想不能让他占便宜。就告诉他,“Today is my last day working here. Since I've been worked here for two days, I think you can get to know my ability. I am busy. I have something else to do. If you can give me the answer today, I will start to work from tomorrow. If not, I can only say good-bye and good luck”。结果老板马上就说,好吧,明天开始正式上班吧。我的感觉是,在这里权利要自己争取。