


Affirmative Action简称AA,根据韦氏大词典,它的法律定义是: an active effort (as through legislation) to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups or women 翻译过来就是:积极的努力(透过立法)来改善少数族裔和妇女的就业或教育机会 In 1961, President John F. Kennedy became the first to utilize the term "affirmative action" in its contemporary sense in Executive Order 10925 to ensure that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." This executive order realized the government's intent to create equal opportunities for all qualified people. This executive order was eventually amended and superseded by Lyndon B. Johnson's Executive Order 11246 which prevented discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin by organizations which received federal contracts and subcontracts. In 1967, the order was amended to include sex as well. 1961年,肯尼迪总统第一次提到AA,他签署的行政命令要求政府的承包商雇佣员工不得考虑种族、教义、肤色或出生国。这个行政命令实现了政府为所有合格的人创造平等机会的意图。 这个行政命令后来被约翰逊总统的11246号行政命令修改和替代。11246号命令防止政府承包商和转包商基于种族、肤色、信仰、和出生国的歧视。1967年,修改了命令,把性别也包括进去。 这就是最初的AA,听起来很好啊。可是我们现在看到的AA是怎样的? 先来看一则新闻: The NBA Continues To Have The Most Diversified Hiring Practices Of Any Major Professional Sport according to a report by the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport released on Thursday. The NBA received an “A+” from the institute on racial diversity and a “B” in gender diversity (详见https://www.yahoo.com/news/nba-continues-most-diversified-hiring-153428418.html) NBA在种族多元化上得到最高分”A+”,是所有运动中最高的。那么也不用谦虚了,既然拿到了“A+”,那就是全美国种族多元化做得最好的了。 你确定不是愚人节玩笑? 那么我们来看看The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES)的报告。 (详见http://www.tidesport.org/) 报告中有很多打分项目,我们来看一看NBA球员的打分情况。 NBA Players The percentage of white NBA players was 18.3 percent, a decrease of five percentage points from the 23.3 percent recorded in 2014-2015. For the 2015-2016 season, 81.7 percent of the NBA’s players were people of color, increasing 5.0 percentage points from the 76.7 percent recorded in 2014-2015. The percent of players who were classified as African-American or Black in the league was 74.3 percent, a decrease of 0.1 of a percentage point from the previous season. Latino players increased from 1.8 percent in 2014-2015 to 6.3 percent in 2015-2016. Asian players remained at 0.2 percent of all players, and players categorized as “other” races increased from 0.2 percent in 2014-2015 to 0.9 percent in 2015.2016. International players comprised 22.3 percent of the NBA’s players during the 2015-2016 season, which was the highest recorded percent of international players in NBA history. NBA Grade for Players: Race: A+ (81.7 percent) NBA球员的种族多元化得分是“A+”,最高分。 不是开玩笑吧?黑人球员占到74%,这还是多元化? 那么我们就很好奇了,评分标准是什么? Federal affirmative action policies state that the percentage of a particular race in the workplace should reflect the percentage of the composition of the U.S. population. Currently, 24 percent of the U.S. population is comprised of people of color, thus an A was achieved if 24 percent of the positions were held by people of color. 翻译过来就是,联邦的AA政策规定,在工作场所的一个特定种族的比例应该反映他们在美国人口中的组成比例。现在,美国人口中24%是有色人种,所以如果有24%的职位是有色人种就可以得到”A”。 这么说现在的AA和最初的AA不是一回事了?最初的AA禁止种族歧视,现在的AA鼓励种族歧视(当然是逆向歧视)? 可是,我们亚裔只占到0.2%,明显低于人口比例啊? 对不起,你们都算在有色人种里了。 可是白人的比例只有18%,也是远低于人口比例啊? Who Cares。 好吧,如果说现在AA的意思是有色人种越多也好,那对我们华人有利啊,我们华人举双手双脚赞成啊。我们打篮球不行,搞电脑我们在行啊。 我们来看看Google公司的多元化。 (详见http://www.google.ca/diversity/) Google现在的员工组成是,白人59%,亚裔 32%,西裔3 %,非裔2%。 这么说有色人种超过37%,照NBA的标准,Google的员工种族多元化也可以拿”A+”。 那么我们来看看媒体是怎么说的。 30 tech companies sign White House diversity pledge (详见http://thehill.com/policy/technology/284517-white-house-pressures-30-tech-companies-to-sign-diversity-pledge) The tech community broadly has a poor track record at diversity. According to statistics offered by the group running the pledge, 9 percent of tech workers are black or Hispanic. That number is only 1 percent among venture capitalists. The vast majority of patents are also filed by men. 科技公司有很差的多元化记录,根据这些公司提供的数据,9%的科技员工是非裔或西裔,在风险投资者里只有1%. 什么?科技公司多元化很差?这里你不说有色人种了,只看非裔和西裔? 我们来看看Google自己怎么说的。 In 2015, we moved in the right direction. We’re still not where we want to be when it comes to diversity, but last year, we made progress in our efforts to build a more diverse Google. We’re hiring above our current representation of Blacks and Hispanics, and we increased representation of women in leadership and in technical roles. 4% Of new hires in 2015 were Black, compared to 2% of our current population. 5% Of new hires in 2015 were Hispanic, compared to 3% of our current population. 原来,看科技公司多元化做得好不好,不是看有色人种够不够多,而是要看非裔和西裔的比例够不够高,雇亚裔并不能改善科技公司的多元化。 这么说对NBA和科技公司的多元化要求是不一样的?你确定这是在号称自由平等的美国吗? 看到这里我明白了,虽然亚裔也是少数族裔,弱势群体,但是现在的AA第一优先照顾的是非裔,第二优先照顾的是西裔,而亚裔不属于被照顾对象。 那么我们可以想像一下,当我们在求学、求职或升职的时候,如果遇到的是白人竞争对手,我们处于天然的弱势,很难胜出。如果遇到的是非裔或西裔,现在的AA让他们优先。 也就是说照现在的政策,我们就是食物链的底层,谁都能吃掉我们。 现在我们只有面对亚裔竞争对手的时候,才能公平竞争。 谁知道加州又搞出个AB1726提案,又称“亚裔细分法案”。把亚裔再细分,那就是要慢慢把华人在亚裔里面公平竞争的机会也剥夺,以后华人只能跟华人公平竞争,面对其他族裔,华人都要靠后。 这是要把我们华人逼得无路可走啊。是可忍,孰不可忍? 面对一个蛋糕,大家怎么分?白人个子最大,力气也最大,非裔嗓门最响,其他族裔也是八仙过海,各显神通。又瘦又小的华人坐在那里,一声不吭。你指望谁主动给你块蛋糕吃?做梦吧,人家当你是空气,根本不存在。你只能捡点人家吃剩的蛋糕屑。 要吃蛋糕,必须站起来,自己去拿! 第一步,先站起来,用选票发出我们的声音。11月8日,美国大选,投下我们庄重的一票! 不要以为自己的一票无关紧要,当我们华人的投票率远远高于美国的平均值时,哪个政客敢忽视我们华人的声音?哪个政客再敢提损害我们华人利益的提案? 那这次到底是选川普,还是选希拉里? 我们华人现在在食物链的最底层,选希拉里,就是维持现状,选川普,有可能改变。 借用川普对黑人说的一句话:"What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?"
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