

I gave your posting a second good read, come in, let's talk

the amount of free time I have allows me to think about your posting...

I am not countering you since what you said is basically agreeing with me

I am not ashamed to say that I have helped new comers in every aspects I can. When I was growing up, things were different in this town, not that many Northerners, if any, Hk and Southern immigrants dominates the community. I am used to people taking a shower everyday, I am used to the idea of dealing with clean and well-groomed people.

You are a southerner just like my family, you have to understand things like personal Hygiene is a big deal. Appearance is important, some discussions had gone on in the forum about whether you should put on a suit in a formal setting or not, that's not even a question, it's axiomatic

I just realize that my writing's getting dull from not crafting professionally for six months, me sure me not even coherent ar