

--Damages claimed will be the difference between $2.25 million and the final selling price (maybe $1.8 million?),

plus legal expenses and stress money. The delinquent buyers may bob and duck, but it’s tough to escape a judgment on a clear breach-of-contract matter when you’re a registered professional. So by not closing it’s conceivable the scared purchaser could end up paying half a million with nothing to show for it. In which case Derek’s lawyer may be spot on – at least they could end up with an asset.
随便翻一下:损失不止是差价,还有律师费,精神损失费(stress money)。买家虽然可能躲起来但是很难逃过一个明显的毁约行为责任,尤其买家是一个注册的地产经纪。所以不close的后果是买家最后要付50万以上的赔偿。这样的情况下derek的律师是对的-最后的结果卖家可能是赚的。
