

This is the list of theory exams my son took for ARCT diploma,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and his average score was 87.
Advanced Rudiments Theory
History 1: An Overview Theory
History 2: Middle Ages to Classical Theory
History 3: 19th Century to Present Theory
Intermediate Harmony Theory
Counterpoint Theory
Analysis Theory

He continued to play after he received his ARCT diploma 3 years ago, and he decided to improve his skill further by enrolling in UofT to study piano performance this year, whose admission, you might know, has always been very hard. I would recommend his piano teacher if your child is a SERIOUS learner and you expect him/her to reach a certain level. It doesn't necessarily mean they will take a professional path, but they will be given more choices and accompanied by music all their life, which is well worth what you have paid for. You never know what potential your child may have and what they want to do in the future.

And below is the prerequisite for taking ARCT exam --
1. Level 10 Piano comprehensive certificate
2. Written Examination Corequisites

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