

这是在华人论坛里小道传的信息。 发信人: zgerry78 (胖胖的爸爸妈妈),

信区: NextGeneration
标 题: Re: MMR能晚打就晚打
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 6 12:24:50 2012, 美东)

MMR: A mother's victory. The vast majority of doctors say there is no link
between the triple jab and autism, but could an Italian court case reignite
this controversial debate?
Landmark ruling in an Italian court has said Valentino Bocca's autism was
provoked by the MMR jab he had at aged nine months
His parents have already been awarded £140,000 and could be paid an
additional £800,000 in their case against the Italian government
The case could set a precedent for many similar civil proceedings


【 在 bunnysloop (bunny) 的大作中提到: 】
: 先在好像没有分三次的,都是一次。
: 支持LZ,看过2个朋友的孩子打了MMR得了自闭症的(他们的父母都认为和这个有关)。
: 小孩子真的好可怜,大人也可怜
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