

West Lake Tower 2 的业主注意 - 年会推迟了

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West Lake Tower 2 业主,

我们原定11月9号的AGM业主年会推迟了。因为上一次通知的程序违法。你们收到推迟通知了吗?是物业办公室昨晚用email发的。我们的年会已被推的太晚了。公寓法规定财政年度结束(3月31日) 以后六个月以内必须开年会 (9月30日前)。但是 Board一直拖着, 因为不愿意选举。不管怎样,AGM新的时间定了以后,一定要派人或本人参加。物业会发新的材料,原来的都作废了。现在可以报名竞选 Board of Directors, 希望大家能参选。17天以内可以报名。

附上主持正义的业主发的公开信。如果有问题,可以联系我们 westlake.tscc2471@gmail.com
Novemeber 07, 2017

Dear Westlake Tower 2 Unit Owner,

We are writing to you today to inform you that iCare Property Management, on the request of our current Board of Directors, abruptly canceled our AGM scheduled on November 9th 2017 and did not provide a date for a future AGM Meeting.

This is the 2nd time this year our AGM has been postponed.

In addition, our AGM is LATE. According to section 45 of the Condominium Act meetings must be within 6 months after fiscal year end. Our year end is March 2017. The meeting should have happened between Apr – Sep/2017.

Annual general meeting
45 (2) The board shall hold a general meeting of owners not more than three months after the registration of the declaration and description and subsequently within six months of the end of each fiscal year of the corporation. 1998, c. 19, s. 45 (2).

We are hearing from Owners this morning that they are angry about this decision and are demanding to know why their rights to an AGM in a timely manner are being ignored.

To address this issue several owners waited outside the Property Management office at 9:00 am today. At 10:00 am they emailed the Property Manager to ask where he was and at 10:15 am they got a response stating he was unavailable. iCare Property Management posted Office Hours on their door as follows: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. This was also communicated to Owners.

All proxies filled for the November 9th AGM are now void.

You can find postponement notice sent by iCare here

We will update you on the situation as soon as we get more information.

Thank you,
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