

魁北克了不起了不起,1200个爱国者参加! 44个被抓的暴徒全部是antifa!

Confirmed arrests from today's La Meute /Storm Alliance demonstration against Quebec Liberal Party in Qc City today:

C'MON, I DARE YOU: Tell me again about " the Right is violent and the left is peaceful:

44 arrests. ALL antifa. ZERO Patriots. Many of those arrested were found with illegal and concealed weapons

Weapons found included:
-Slingshots w/ steel ball bearings.
-Iron pipes
- Spray bottles with caustic liquids
- Bearspray
-Numerous knives
-Improvised pyrotechnics
-Extendable batons

The State is finally coming down with an iron fist on these degenerate leftists.

The Pack, as always, conducted itself with discipline, civilty, and lawful conduct.

Way to go Wolves!!! Aaaaaooouuuu!!!!!!!
