

一个人穿着PEGIDA CANADA t-shirt.,到安省伦敦交物业税,市长先是不让他进,然后又叫个保安时刻跟着他。穿PEGIDA的人作奸犯科的可能性大,还是穿白袍子的?

ZT:A friend of mine went into City Hall to pay his property taxes and he was wearing a PEGIDA CANADA t-shirt. He entered the elevator and Mayor Matt Brown was in the elevator and told him he could not be in City Hall wearing that t-shirt. My friend informed Mayor Matt Brown he was there to pay his taxes and that he could not tell him what to wear. Mayor Matt Brown called security and had him follow my friend every where while he was inside City Hall treating him lime a crimminal. What gives the Mayor of a city the right to harass and treat innocent people like crimminals? I suggested to my friend he should file a complaint. First Mayor Matt Brown thinks he can trample on pur CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS by trying to ban PEGIDA members from protesting now he thinks he has the right to tell us what we can and cannot wear? I think someone's head is getting too big for his short little body.