

《“诈称被剪头巾”女孩为何撒谎?— 极权运动深知如何乔装打扮以获权力》WHY HIJAB HOAX GIRL LIED:Totalitarian movements know how to portray themselves in order to gain power.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Jamie Glazov《“诈称被剪头巾”女孩为何要撒谎?——— 极权运动深知如何乔装打扮以获权力》WHY HIJAB HOAX GIRL LIED:Totalitarian movements know how to portray themselves in order to gain power.

Khawlah Noman is now yet another Muslim hoax victim. The 11-year-old Muslim girl has been caught lying about being attacked, last Friday in Scarborough, Ontario, by a man in his 20s who she alleged had used scissors to cut her hijab. After an investigation, Toronto Police confirmed that the crime had never occurred. In light of this new, but very expected, development, Frontpage has deemed it important to bring attention to this escalating phenomenon of fake anti-Muslim “hate crimes”.

Daniel Greenfield explains this phenomenon in the context of the Left:

“The left is a victimhood cult. It feeds off pain and fetishizes suffering as a moral commodity to be sold and resold in exchange for political power.”

Greenfield calls this leftist charade “victimocracy” and labels its foot soldier the “cry-bully” who is, in reality, the “abuser-victim.” This monster, Greenfield writes, is

“the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice or crying social justice tears. If you don’t fight back, the cry-bully bullies you. If you fight back, the cry-bully cries and demands a safe space because you made him feel unsafe.”

Thus, because now the Unholy Alliance maniacs feel “unsafe” because they didn’t get their way in the election, it becomes very clear why it’s crucial for them to play the victim – and, most importantly, to fabricate “hate-crimes” being perpetrated against themselves. Greenfield explains:

“If cry-bullies can’t safe-bait you, they will manufacture threats by faking hate crimes against themselves or phoning in bomb threats to validate their need for a safe space in which no one is allowed to disagree with them. Surviving their own fake crimes turns cry-bullies into social justice heroes.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net