


1. Property damages -- $2,100 (including deductible because someone needs to pay other than insurance company), plus tax, plus fees, etc.. If a rental car is required, if the insurance doesn't cover rental car, the rental car cost is to be included as well.
2. Diminished Value -- 因为 carfax 上面不知道会不会有车祸的记录。如果有,再卖车的时候会有影响。大致自己定一下, approx $1,000.
3. Cost of labor -- use minimum wage x hours for car repair (给自己的麻烦。修车的 labor 已经包含在 insurance cost 里,也不归你管。)实际上你可以说 loss of wages,用自己的 payroll rates x hours。自己选一个。
4. Court fee.