

fire one, or no more than two questions at a time, your Simple questions sometimes have complicated answers, I don't want to mislead you so I will produce as much detail as humanly possible

Brock ain't that good, to be a CA, you need to write the Core Knowledge Exam, the School of Accountancy exam, then the Uniform Final Exam, then you have to write a Specialization exam starting this year.

UW can help you to avoid the first two if you can a MAcc, and If you get a Masters from Brock, which takes 4 years, you still have to write 4 more professional exams, which takes about 2 years, so, assume you have an accounting undergrad already which took you 4 years to get, then 4+4+2 = many years to be a CA

consider yourself lucky if you don't know who Paul Bernado is, go to the World's Biggest Bookstore in toronto and pick up "The Unspeakable Crimes of Paul Bernado".

It only happend 8 years ago and people are already ignoring it