

出租房的邻居 complain 租客(黑人一家)有噪音,且吸大麻,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我发message给租客,立即就给我回了message,一点不认可,和她当面讨论也不高兴,让我把她的message转给邻居,我很犹豫,怕转过去引起争执。

Dear Landlords of 278 Rumble Ave., we live next door and would like to issue a complaint regarding your tenants. There is constant noise from your house. We hear very loud yelling during the day and at night. There is also a strong stench of marijuana that is carried over into our backyards. Please resolve these issues as soon as possible to prevent this issue from escalating. Thank You, your Neighbours.


Hello just received your message and would respond to it
1. There is no noise coming from this house day and night, noise enough to cause a disturbance
2. I do not smoke marijuana and as of next month marijuana is legal in this country
You can send this message back to the sender. If u believe we are doing anything illegal here call the police that's their right
When the said neighbors is doing his barbecue in his backyard it is also offensive to me what do I do send him a message to stop. He needs to learn to live alongside people or move to the jungle更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net