

ZT US Patent 6506148 B2 Confirms Human Nervous System Manipulation Through Your Computer & TV. it’s hard to fathom the idea that we could be manipulated and used so much,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛for the purposes of profit, control, and other agendas, but it’s a reality we have to face.

it’s hard to fathom the idea that we could be manipulated and used so much, for the purposes of profit, control, and other agendas, but it’s a reality we have to face. There are limitless examples of this throughout history all the way up to the modern-day, and all aspects of human life seem to be controlled by a select group of very few people from health, to finance, education, entertainment, big food and more. We’ve become tools for their use, and our thoughts, behaviours, and perceptions, for the most part, seem to be the same. If they’re a little different, or don’t really fit the frame, one can instantly be labelled, or become a ‘social outcast.’

There is no doubt in my mind that our Television, and other electronic devices has detrimental health effects, and that they do/can effect our nervous system in several different ways. The science on this is clear, but what is not so clear is the idea that there are others using these techniques, knowingly, to control our minds.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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