

IBM Websphere Suite is clumpsy.

IBM is also slow in supporting Java API. If I am not wrong here, Visual Age for Java only support JSP1.0. Only recently, Wehsphere began to support JDK1.2.

By the way, I tried several time to install Webspehere at home but I did not have luck.

However, familiarity with IBM products is a big plus for us to junt jobs in Canada. In Canada, IBM products is very influential.
If a Java guy does not have experiences in WebSphere, Visual Age, and DB2, he/she will lose a lot of opportunities.

In USA, small companies prefer to use Weblogic or some other not-so-famous application servers. My understanding is that using IBM products does mean vendor lock-in. Of course, big companies, especially Fortune 500 companies, trust IBM only.

As for requestion.getSession method, if you use higher version API, you may get a deprecation warning if you use its no-argument variant.