

你是真的不知道还是??? 如果你签了不去,

in general, no one care, but to that company, you closed your door.他们会对你:永不录用。如果你同时得罪代理,他会让你上黑名单,在同行间把你搞臭。所以,如果是通过代理,最好慎重。以上也是听别的朋友讲的,道听途说,只当提醒而已。Anyway, the best way I think is : 给另外两家公司打电话,告诉他们已经有一个公司对你高官利诱:I got!!! the offer,但你拒腐蚀永不沾:I do not sign!!! it till now,认定他们公司才是你梦寐以求: I am still looking for your reply :-), please smile confidently when you say this statement. By the way, 如果你同时对两家公司说同样的话,当然不太好, 我可没建议你这么作。Something like this, if they are really interested with you, they will give you that offer quickly, and even pay higher. If not, go ahead, good luck!

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