

China is that good? Money grows on tree, streets paved by gold?

Lives in China will get tough soon. Canada and U.S suppose to be a model for future China. Now you see what its future gonna be. Tough and tough. Only the elite take all wealth, everybody else is suffering. That's the gift brought to you by WTO and world bank. Actually before 70's, that's before free trade, WTO, NAFTA dominated, lives in North America is very good. A working father can comfortable raise a family of six, still buying big house and two cars. After the WTO, rich getting richer, everybody else go way down hill, suffering without end. China is much more vulnerable because of its large population already living in poverty. Now go back to China, find yourself a good job before WTO hits and suffering starts, and never go anywhere again. The world is going to be a scary place, I bet.