

我的感觉是大部分公司的福利待遇都差不了太多, DENTAL一般COVERS PROVENTIVE TREATMENT, 至于ROOT CANAL和CROWN能付到50%就不错了. 你可以直接问有哪些BENEFIT, 没关系.有OFFER先接受下来, 如果不敢100%确定, 就说:

I am really excited with the offer and I am looking forward to starting soon. But as you know, my wife cares about my career too. If you don't mind, I would like to consult her tonight and get back to you by such and such date. (don't make it too long).

一般EMPLOYER尊重FAMILY中两人一起做决定. 但是你拖延, 总有RISK这个OFFER给别人.

别想太多, 在OFFER和被OFFER之间, 是有平等的需求关系存在的. 如果他们不认为你合适, 也不会因为你"需要这个OFFER"而给你OFFER的.