


99.6 submiss ion Hk
99.11 notification of possible interview within 11 months
at the same time TOEFL and GRE ,
00.9 got student authorization from BJ and wrote a letter to HK asking interview waiver
00.9 HK office acceded my request but stupidly required me taking IELTS in China! although my T and G were pretty good(637, 2280)
00.10 came back to China taking IELTS and then back to Vancouver to continue my grad study
00.11 sadly knew I only got 6.5 for IELTS
01.1 interview waiver letter and ME --- I guess, because I never got this letter
01.5 ME reminder
01.6 ME forms again
01.6.20 ME
01.9.3 Landing Paper received
After 27 months hard waiting.
I am not happy at all.

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