


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1、先让我们来看领馆的官方解释:

Applicants for returning resident permits must satisfy a visa officer that they have not ceased or will not cease to be permanent residents of Canada--that is, that they have not abandoned Canada as their place of permanent residence. Applicants who have been outside Canada for more than 183 days in any given twelve-month period are deemed to have abandoned Canada as their place of permanent residence unless they satisfy the visa officer that this was not their intention.

从上述来看Applicants who have been outside Canada for more than 183 days in any given twelve-month period…可以被理解为任意连续的12个月(注意文中所提是指12个月 而不是说一日历年)。从我个人的理解,计算方式可能是从任意一个(第一个)出境(离开加)日开始算12个月中你不能在境外待累计超过183天。所以文中假设2是正确的。也就是说一旦你要长时间离开加国,或连续往返千万要计算清楚。


3、听说大陆公民在港开帐户时只能存外汇,不能存外币。所以除非你有外汇或愿意付较高的手续费存外币,可能不是一个好办法。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net