

you are wrong

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.中文基本过关, 听说读写,特别是后两项,在加拿大是解决不了的.
but if this is the price for more-than-5yr-separation, i would rather the kid not knowing any Chinese languange, besides, love or hate, kids will eventually not speak (let alone write and read) chinses in an English environment like Canada.

2. 英语比汉语好学, 比较容易跟上.我的邻居和朋友有这样的例子.
not always true. because our english is poorer than our kids', so we can not really perceive the delicate difference between our kids' english or other kids' better English. this can be ususlly reflected in their art/history/language/communication couses.

3. 国内学业重,来这里后学习轻松,能够鹤立鸡群,中学分数好能上好大学.

I do not need 'xue ye zhong', which deprives kids of childhood already, , Chinese kids are more math-oriented only, we are really no smarter than others. in western society, people have more choices, kids can learn/do any they want, traditional mentality such as 'xue hao shu li hua, zou bian tian xia dou bu pai' dosn't fit here. we better ask why western ppl don't study math/physics/chemistry/CS/eng... like us?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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