

请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10 道题目,我是学vb的,对html不太懂,请高手指点,最好能稍微注解一下每道题目,先谢谢了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10
1. What code displays an alert box when a document is loaded?
a. <BODY Onload.done="alert('Hello!')">
b. load.done="alert('Hello!')";
c. <BODY onload="alert('Hello!')">
d. <BODY onload=alert."Hello!">
e. onload.stop=alert('Hello!');

2. Other than a checkbox, which other form element has a 'checked' property?
a. Select
b. Input
c. Hidden
d. Option
e. Radio

<form name=f1>
<input type="text" name="a">
<input type="text" name="b">

What code will initially place the cursor in text field "a"?
a. <HEAD onLoad="this.document.f1.focus();">
b. <BODY onChange="this.document.f1.select();">
c. <BODY Select="document.f1.a.select();">
d. <BODY onLoad="this.document.f1.a.focus();">
e. <HEAD setFocus="document.f1.a.focus();">

4. What ServerVariables property is used to determine which browser a user is using?
e. Non of the above

5. To get the values of a form that was submitted via a POST, you would use Request.QueryString?
a. True
b. False

6. In IIS, the execute permission setting required to have an Active Server Page call a COM object is?
a. execute
b. scripts only
c. scripts and executables
d. none

7. Which code will instantiate a new ActiveX object?
a. set x=NewObject(“Project.Class1”)
b. set x=NewActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
c. set x=CreateObject(“Project.Class1”)
d. set x=CreateActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

8. Which code will not post an HTML page to the server?
a. <input type=submit name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’>
b. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.post()’>
c. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.submit()’>
d. All will generate a post to the server

9. Which of the following SQL statements will join an employee and department table to display the Department and Employee.
a. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E where E.DeptID in Dept
b. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E and Dept D with E.DeptID=D.ID
c. Select D.DeptName, E.Lastname from Employee E, Dept D where E.DeptID=D.ID
d. Select D.DeptName from Dept D Union Select E.LastName from Employee E
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

10. Which of the following can be registered into MTS
a. ActiveX Control
b. ActiveX Document
c. ActiveX DLL
d. ActiveX EXE
e. All of the above
f. None of the above更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net