

可以,你存一万都可以,不过你每次只能刷1000,这就是Credit Limit。所以,你不得不刷两次!另外,不需要等到结帐日付款,你可以提前付,而且可以付好几次/月。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛举例:
credit card of TD bank, Credt limit: $1000

Nov 1: buy $300, balance $-300, credit left $700 (you only can buy $700 stuff)

Nov 5: buy $700, balance $-1000, credit left $0 ( you can't buy anything now)

Nov 10: pay $600 to TD, balance $-400, credit left $600. (You can buy $600 stuff now, (you need to wait the money reach your account to use it, usually 2 or 3 days )

Nov 15: pay $1200 to TD, balance $+800, credit left $1000 (you can buy $1800 stuff, buy you need to pay twice)

Nov 20: buy $1200, balance $-400, credit left $600 (you can buy $600 stuff)

Nov 25: buy $ 200, balance $-600, credit left $400

Nov 27: buy $200, balance $-800, credit left $200

Nov 30: TD send you balance sheet (record before Nov. 25), ask you to pay $600, due day is Dec. 20

Dec 1: pay $600 to TD, balance $-200, credit left$800

如果Credit limit 比较低,就可以用这种方法,多用Credit card, 积累Credit, 不过一定要确定钱到帐才能用。另外,小心不要在小商店用,据报道,有很多不法奸商,把你的credit car信息卖给制假卡集团。俺的Credit Card刚被人fake。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net