

Penetrating the surface...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Putting in my shoes, you or anyone else would probably be more anxious to see the doctor first when suffering to a certain extent. Agree that fever is not that serious; however, once you got a chance as I did to wait along with other patients with broken arms or the aged dying-looking ones lying in cart helplessly, you'd have had changed your tone already.

Once again, I'm not against the professional attitude or spirit of any Canadian physicians or the system itself. I was against the less efficiency and the cause behind the scene. My point was that the long hour waiting could have been wiped out if more medical practitioners were there offering their services to patients instead of on the off-Havana beaches enjoying their vacations; even if some of the on-duties could have just step at a faster pace along the hospital corridors. To some extent, the intensity and less efficiency of this system have been intentionally developed into such a kind of pattern, in favor of a tiny group of population: a leverage between higher pay rate and less working hours.

So thoroughly different points. Be alert, fellow new immigants from China. Do your ultimate best to encourage and help your children / grandchidren, our next generation, to merge as a cell of this tiny community and benefit from this developed social pattern. Or be attorney / lawyer (not the one specilized in immigration), be Commissioner, be Minister, be Premier - be THEM.

Back to the originarity of this issue, go to the ER's as few times as possible. Bring along some medicine from China when coming back and forth. And, if possible, stay healthy.

Good luck, GG/DD/JJ/MM'men.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net