

本猪正好在其中两家干过, 但是我试验中肯的意见, 三家都在1890年左右开业, 然文流都是10个比里然上下, 但是结构和风格都不同, 一定要以洋行和个人性格兼容, 猪就吃过这个亏, 安永毫无诚信, 出价低的让人震惊, 不谈也巴,

安德信很保守, 升职慢, 薪金高冠五大, 但是用英文做(English is the designated language for the entire firm world wide, it's not a problem for the CommonWealths, but you maybe in Sri Lanka and the firm insist that all the work be done in English, this is perhaps to avoid mistakes due to translation)

KPMG has a lot of volatility, during the dotcom era, it hired a lot of people basically taking in any garbage, this year, it's the only big firm to lay off people and has closed it's Mississauga office...money was good, up to par with Andersen.

这个级别一般面试三轮, 在没有见道大班前别人说了不算, 想到再说