

"别对别人指手划脚,异族通婚很正常,什么目的的都正常,本来结婚就是一种目的的选择"(??????????) --

I think nobody here mean to condemn interrace marriage first. It's true that people should live with maximum freedom of life choice. But we live in a society framed by various laws and seemingly hidden ethics. There should have mainstream culture or moral standards. I do not know or do not try to talk about the situations that Jiao-Zhi involved, but I look down the immoral behavior or appeal that we should condemn some kinds of evil belief. It is also true that our moral standards in China(mainland) becomes worse and wose, manifested in loss of Good-Bad criteria, we all should do something to foster or rebuild our fundamental traditional value. When you delve into your personal interest-whatever you want, do not harm or spoil our racial reputation! Please.

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