

Tell you some TIPs to "control" his money, but not the person himself!

1. You two are not married yet, right? ask him if he wants to setup a family with you or not. If yes, goto 2.

2. It sounds like he has a very good income. Then he can buy a house now, that is a good way for force saving. Or goto 3.

3. Does he has a RRSP? contribute to it regularly, at a fixed rate, like 1000/month, and ask the bank to deduct the amount automatically, instead of wait until end of year .....usually it turn out no enough fund left.

4. Besides RRSP, he can open another saving/GIC/ or some other investment account. do the same way as RRSP contribution, and this is for the downpay of your house.

Those are forced saving....after that, you can spend as much as you can and enjoy your life now, and at the same time save for your future...........

But all these is for his good, not for you.....until you two get married!

Good luck