

(转贴)看到好些网友询问“小三阳” (乙肝带毒)到底能不能通过体检,我想用我的实例来与大家分享。作者:oliver_87

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我妻子是“小三阳”,她在国内去年11月体检,12月收到加拿大移民卫生署(Health Programmes (RNH) ,Citizenship and Immigration Canada) 来函如下:

Dear Applicant:

Your immigration medical documents have been received at this office. However, before we are able to make a final decision in your case we require some additional information.

Please take the enclosed sealed envelope to the physician who examined you as soon as possible. The doctor will be requested to arrange for the additional medical tests to be carried out and to send the results to this office.


AST, ALT levels, if elevated; please refer to a hematologist for assessment. (Please provide English or French translation of all reports.) ----- 如AST和ALT指标偏高,则请血液学家作分析评估(检验报告请附英文或法文译文)

我请教在医学院工作的朋友, AST, ALT是北美对转安酶的称呼,国内称GPT,SGOT。

换句话说,小三阳患者只要转安酶指标正常即可通过;如不正常,还可由血液学家(国内的) 来评估(朋友说是查DNA复制,如未发现DNA复制,则说明你只带毒,但并不传染) 。


今天到领馆交LANDING FEE,得知她的体检报告已通过。

所以乙肝带毒的朋友不必紧张,加拿大政府对此已比较宽容了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net