


作者: RoseZhang
日期: 01-24-02 17:43

First of all, I am not trying to make up some kind of story. This is my 1st post in this web site, even though I have been reading the postings from this good site for 1.5 years. I heard this story from my realtor, she knows the lady, I won't doubt the truth of the story, my descripiton of the story might not be that accurate. From my understanding, the house was only registered under the lady's name, did they appeal or not, I have no idea.

I main thing I want to say is that I want to let us (Chinese people) in Canada know, there did some funny things happen if you are new to Canada (I am new too), especially you don't know about law, be careful when you do things here, anything colud happen. People can cheat you even if they looks like nice. That's my point.

Be careful, take care.