

请教:how to find a string like # * # in MS Word. * is a wildcard for digits and letters. One more requirement: * should less than 30 characters. See contents for details PLS

I have a long word document. I want to find those strings with # at the beginning and end, then replace with is with something else. And the string length should not be longer than 30 characters.
Aaaaaa #this is the string I want to replace. Always shorter than 30 characters# This is NOT the string I want to replace. This is always longer than 30 characters. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooong. There are more strings I want to find in this document. #here is another one# The string I do not want again. Srting.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------String.

I only know how to find something like " * " without length restriction using Word.
Thanks a lot.