


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛原本教练帮我排的快期,今天take the road test, 但是我没有通过,并不是因为技术原因,而是我根本就didn't have the chance to take it, someone else booked a testing date and cancelled it, using my driver's license#, that date was just three days before the date my instructor booked for me. I don't know what's wrong.... and I asked the office clerk, she told me, one driver's license# can only make one appointment, so that means my instructor didn't book a date for me, but I didn't think my instructor was lying, she couldn't get any benifit by doing so,and even lost some money, because I only paid one and a half's instructing fee, not all the others...

as I know, someone else used my driver's license# to make the appointment, and that person can only be the other instructor who taught me before, or the driving school, I don't know which one it is, I didn't give my # to anyone else....

那么至此我就可以很清楚地知道教练们(以及驾校)是怎么排快期的了:他用他手上掌握的学员的driver's license# make an appointment,先占住这个坑再说,至于这个倒霉鬼会否在那天去take the road test,那不是他们关心的事。占住这个坑之后,以后有别的人想要排快期时,他们就可以很有把握地cancel掉那个占坑的,而把这个真正要考的填上,额外再赚一笔排快期费,至于那个倒霉蛋(比如我)会因此被罚款($25),那就不是教练们(或者是驾校)关心的事了。

1。driver's license#不要轻易给别人,show一show可以,但是最好不要让别人写下来;
2。要学车的同志没办法不把driver's license#给driving school and instructor,为了避免此类现象的发生,也为减少经济损失,我的建议是:


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