

今天收到从北京寄来的Visitor visa申请须知。上面写到,

Invitaion letter
Notarized relationship certificate showing relationship between you and your invitor
List number of people in your invitor's household
Copy of landing papers or citizen card or Canadian passport
Original or notzrized copy of ALL of the following documents for both your invitors and your invitor's spouse, if applicable
1.Notice of Assessment issued by Revenue Canada
2.employment letter showing salary
bank statement showing daily transactions for the past 6 months
pay records for the past 6 months.

我有一个问题请教大家,如果把出生公证,bank statement, pay stubs等材料交给他们,用完了后还会退给申请人吗?记得当时办移民时,所有的材料都成了肉包子打洋狗,最后回来的只是几张其丑无比的烂纸。可就是这玩意引的无数英雄和媚 人落难。哎。。