


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛哈哈,这回可问到我的长处了,以前总是麻烦大家,一直没机会报答,这次机会总算来了。Myhbush说得一点也没错,为了保险起见,我把M yhbush的话再COPY一遍:Beware, this may be in violation of your user license agreement, I
am in no way responsible for any illegal actions u take with this.
Technically, I would suspect you could bypass just about any free
Internet service with this technique.

Step 1:
Install the NetZero Software. Create your username and password, then register them and connect. Make sure u pay attention to the phone number u connect to (write it down).

Step 2:
Goto the My Computer icon on your desktop and go into the Dial-Up Networking Folder. Right click on the NetZero icon and goto properties. Click on the Server Types tab and Click the box next to "Record a log file for this connection". Once u have checked that, click ok and dissconnect.
Step 3:
Reconnect to netzero and open the log file (C:\WINDOWS\ppplog.txt) You Should see something like this:
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - PPP : Transmitting Control Packet of length: 41
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0000: c0 23 01 02 00 27 15 3a | .#...':
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0008: 66 72 65 61 6b 74 6f 79 | freaktoy
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0010: 40 6e 65 74 7a 65 72 6f | @netzero
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0018: 2e 6e 65 74 0c 30 5f 7d | .net.0\}
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0020: 7d 5b 7b 27 65 3c 65 3b | }[{'e<e;
08-21-1999 20:20:37.97 - Data 0028: 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 1.......

write down ur username (in this case, :freaktoy@netzero.net)
your password is the 0-1, for instance, in this case it is 0\}}[{'e<e;1 (the whole thing)

Step 4:
Go back to the Dial-Up Networking Folder and double click on "Make New Connection" Name it what u want and click next. Type in the number i told u to write down earlier (your connection number) and click next. It should have made a new icon in the dial-up networking folder. Double Click it (make sure u are disconnected from the internet). Type in ur user name (ex. :freaktoy@netzero.net) keeping the colons and everything else. Now type in ur password (ex. 0\}}[{'e<e;1) it has to be exact. Click connect and u should be just fine.

用这个方法一定能去掉BANNER,并且你的上网记录根本就不会有,因为我试过用这个方法,一个月内上NETZERO上百小时,结果给我寄信来的记录显示是0 小时。当然不要忘了把拨入的电话号码记下来(拨第一个号比较难拨通,拨其他的号码容易些)。
但是许多比较”黑“的ISP,连号码都不给你,怎么办呢?最近我才发现,屏幕右下角有个”连接状态栏“,拨入的号码赫然就显示在最前面,用了半年多我才发现这一”重大发现“(我也真够笨的)。这个方法基本上适用于绝大多数免费I SP,我现在就有好几个,都是用这个方法,以防不测。大家ENJOY!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net