

跟Bell 一战, 顺利得到赔偿

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛答应了几位朋友把战役前后贴上来, 希望能给有类似遭遇的难友个参考.

话说1月下旬最冷的那几天, 我晚上到家发现cable & internet & digital phone (all same service provider)全当. 郁闷地枯坐了一晚上, 用手机约了报修时间, 忽然想起来上几天草坪上被谁画了多条线貌似施工图, 探头出去一看, 骇然发现前院小花园中间被挖了个货真价实的大坑, 此处省略1万字 (愤怒, 泪水, 心痛, 惊诧, etc.)

现场只留了一个1-800电话, 再省略1万字... 接下去的事情摘要:
- 第二天一早花了一小时打1-800, 大吼大叫暴跳如雷, 详尽充分地抒发了吾的暴怒. (真是个体力活, 出国多年未曾练习, 过后蔫了一整天.)
- 搞清了一件事: 这是 Bell 的 Contractor 工程队干的, 为了修复街上某邻居的电话线. (真郁闷, 我家压根没有用BELL.)
- Bell 和 Contractor 互相扯皮, 用外交礼节表达了同情和诧异, 总算勉强承认事先没有通知, 是个失误. 并企图说服我春天来修花园. (啊呸...)
- 我上ROLIA诉苦, 被有类似遭遇的网友告知节哀顺便, 对方顶多给恢复草坪.

- 第三天: cable公司来修复了被挖断的线路.
- 第四天: 再次出离愤怒... 回到家坑不见了, 变成个土包, 和一根浮在地面迎风招展的cable ---- 又挖断了!!! 不用说, 再打一轮电话. 报了警.
- 第五天: 再次和contractor 经理对质, 这次对方也很郁闷了, 问我有何要求. 我小人家大人大量(也实在没力气没工夫咆哮了), 问他要了Email, 开了个帐单过去.

下面是帐单和申诉信 (我还附了21张照片, 花园被破坏前后 & 各种花草):
Garden damages
Tall Bearded Iris - Earl Essex
Oriental poppy - Red (Papaver orientale 'Allegro')
Oriental poppy - Orange (Papaver orientale 'Brilliant')
Oriental poppy - Pink (Papaver orientale 'Flamingo')
Oriental poppy - White & Purple 'Royal Wedding'
Iceland poppy - Red (papaver nudicaule)
Iceland poppy - Yellow (Champagne Bubbles)
Iceland poppy - White (Classic elegance)
Chinese poppy - Purple
Chinese poppy - White
Campanula Calycanthema
Delphinuim - Magic Fountains Dark Blue/White Bee
Delphinuim - Double Innocence
Cheddar pinks - Dianthus 'Blue Hills'
Cheddar pinks - Dianthus 'Royal Midget'
Delosperma floribundum - Starburst
Dianthus - Eastern Star
Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice'
Lavandula - Angustifolia 'Rosea'
Becky Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum X Superbum
Serbian Bellflower
Monrovia - Rasperry swirl maiden pink

MAXI SOIL Deluxe Tri Mix - Bulk Loose

Potential future claim: Ginkgo tree (will know in spring 2008…)

- From Jan 21 - 24 2008, XYZ performed work on behalf of Bell Canada in our private property.
Either companies gave any notifications in advance. An area of 2X3 M2, 0.5M deep were dug out.
Cogeco cable were broken twice by workers on Jan 21 & Jan 23 2008.
Half of the flower garden was destroyed in -10 degrees weather, back filled soil are not usable for garden purpose.

- As showed in picture, this piece of land was covered by a bush in 2006.
- I removed the bush and personally planted above plants in the garden (only the part is destroyed now ) in 2007.
- The last picture of the whole garden was taken late spring (Peony is just blooming in the picture).
As showed in pictures, there were already many varieties of plants.
- More plants were planted in summer 2007, as showed in other pictures.

- Just in case if you are wondering why so may plants in the garden:
This is a carefully designed perennial garden, which means different flowers were planted to bloom from Apr - Nov.
Also there were layers of plants were planted closely (ground cover to couple feet tall).

- I only purchase plants from the best nursery (not seasonal place like Sobeys or cheaper online stores).
If you have doubt about the price, please consult with professionals (e.g. Holland Park Garden in Burlington).
Otherwise I won't accept any price comparison from Internet.

77 & 77夫

今天收到我指定的Garden center gift certificate, $ 430.00, 2星期内事情得到解决, 完全满足了我的要求.

- 找警察... 没用, 除非他们搞破坏的时候你抓个现场. 我跟警察恳切求情说好害怕呀说不定对方是坏人掐了我家线路晚上好来抢劫呀, 警察好声好气地说 highly unlikely (咳咳, 其实我自己也觉得不会), 叫我自己找 Bell去...
- 加拿大毕竟是个法律社会, 只要有理就有正当渠道申诉. 他们如果不作为, 我接下来就要去small claim court 了.
- 要能够证实对方的失误. 我问过了小镇By law, 离路边 6 feet 内施工毋须通知, 而这个大坑全部在我私家地界内, 对方无法争辩.
- 开价要合理, 要有事实依据, 虽然我也很想要精神损失啥的, 没有把握的要求就不提了, 免得正当要求也被质疑.

下面是一些花园旧图, 被毁的主要是Poppy花园, 开春再画一次宏图吧 :-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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