

Choosing a Business School

Here's what I have to suggest as a second year MBA student: a) try to get in one of the top four biz schools in Canada---a prestige program will serve you in good stead in your career development. b) Mcgill is good, but its biz school is not. Sure enough Henry Mintzberg is there, but he only teaches PhD courses. Plus, the bulk of the Canadian corporate sector is in Toronto, not Quebec. University of Alberta is not bad, but again, location matters. You definitely want to be where the action is. c) for a comprehensive third party review, check out the annual rankings of Canadian Business Magazine (www. canbus.com) and the global biz school ranking by Financial Times (www.ft.com). d) I would recommend the biz schools at University of Toronto (their Finance is pretty good), York University, University of Western Ontario, and Queens University.