


我友,多伦多居住,芳龄28, 168CM,聪明美丽,寻35岁以下男士交友.你是中国大陆新移民,具电子电脑专业背景. 有很强的事业心, 并正在寻找工作. 我友会让你马上获得一份5万元或以上的工作,并有巨大的发展前景. 有意者请将个人资料和简历发至james_q_liu@hotmail.com.

My friend, living in Toronto, 28yr, 168cm, pretty and talent, looking for a male under 35. You are newly landed immigrant from mainland China, with background in EE (DSP preferred) or Computer. You are ambitious for your career and looking for job right now. My fiend will enable you for a 50K+ job, with great opportunity for growth. If interested, please send personal information and resume to james_q_liu@hotmail.com.

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