


这次人家主办单位的人是一个非常好的朋友,算是帮忙吧,得,我先想想啥是街边传统小吃,俺,俺想了半天,他们又不给弄明火,就云南什锦凉米线吧。人家还要求要中英文双语产品介绍呢,我一听,,完了,这个可怎么翻译,赶紧的找人帮忙啊,重要让我找到咱rolia的那个高手高手高高手之一的猫哥,其他几位高人啊,旅游的旅游,之前人还赶紧给锦衣卫写篇文章,还有就是忙着非诚勿扰去了。 看看啥是高手。。。 【云南传统小吃---什锦凉米线】英文名字我想了一个 --rainbow rice noodle 此品在云南一带十分风行,一年四季,家家小吃店都要推出这个品种。它配料多,用料全,酸、辣、麻、甜、香各味俱全,口感滑润。传统滇味拼盘垫 底也多采用什锦凉米线,上面再盖上“五色料”。 看看人家的英语,真是让我仰慕不已啊。。。 Delicious Traditional Chinese Snap from Yunnan Province - rainbow rice noodle This product is very popular in Yunnan area, throughout the year. Every single snap shop would sell this. It has a lot ingredients using all sorts of materials, sour, spicy, hemp, sweet, smell the smell and taste, very smooth texture. It is a traditional Yunnan local delicacy platter with assorted cold bottom of the noodle, the top and then covered with "five colored material."
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