

We, as Chinese Canadians, are getting better, stronger in community building, in visibility of social, political influences. It has a lot to do with everyone of us - honest, hard working people. To gain respect, we must show respect.

Some times I heard comments here and there, focusing the negative side of things - things like in some local people's mind, you will never be one of "them", you will never be "white"..

Well, first, I don't want to be one of "them". I am quite content with "us". Secondly, I am quite proud with my current skin color, and have no intention to make it "whiter" - yucks!!

The thing I want to say is: let's focus on the positive side of the society; let's be part of it and make it even better. I don't care what "other" people may or may not be thinking in their mind. I know, what I am thinking, and I know, a lot more people are just "good, honest, hard working" average people, just like us.

I hope, someday, when our next generations grow up, one of them will stand up and say: "I can't disown 红卫兵,just as I can't disown my own my grandfather.... ".. and be a leader of the bright side of the community.
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