

以下是我的“无索赔证明“中英文对照版,去年在BC买车时靠它拿到了每年 10%的折扣 (今年的新政策降到了5% Annually ,所以您有路子的话来它个8年“无索赔”,可以拿到40%的最大折扣,一年的保险可以省下七、八百) 。

XXX于X年X月X日在XX保险公司XX分公司办理机动车辆保险,并且每年连续投保至今。在XX年的投保历史中,XXX没有发生过交通责任事故,也没有向我公司提出过任何索赔要求。基于XXX的良好驾驶记录,我公司在其连续购买保险时已向其提供了折扣优惠。 特此证明。

This is to certify that Mr. xxx purchased car insurance at xxx Insurance Company Limited xx Branch on mm/dd/yy. The insurance has been renewed yearly till now. In xx years, Mr. xxx has not reported any kind of accidents and he has not claimed any kind of compensation for damages. Considering Mr. xxx 's good record of driving safely, the company has provided discount offer on premium to him when he purchased the insurence continually.
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